Armstrong oil and Gas

In collaboration with Lake Flato Architects, Davis Urban transformed this 1906 machine shop into a modern office for Armstrong Oil & Gas. The renovation centers around a new, light-filled courtyard created by the removal of part of the existing roof, which enhances natural light and ventilation throughout the building. The design honors the building’s storied past as a brothel and industrial site and preserves the original structural elements, such as steel columns and exposed roof beams, and incorporates salvaged artifacts and repurposed heavy timber into custom furnishings. New elements, including cantilevered steel stairs and a catwalk, integrate with the existing architecture to modernize the interior. Upper-level offices are designed under saw-tooth roofs that echo the building's industrial heritage, while the open-air roof terrace provides space for meetings and social gatherings. This adaptive reuse not only honors the building's historical character but also uses modern interventions to create a vibrant and functional workspace.  

Project Type : Adaptive Reuse | Commercial Office

Area : 11,400 SF

Location : LoDo, Denver, CO

Collaboration with Lake | Flato Architects


2011 AIA Honor Award for Interior Architecture

2011 Texas Society of Architects/AIA Design Award

November 2010 Urban Land

February 2010 Architectural Record

December 2010 Architecture Leaders Today

2009 AIA Colorado Design Award

2009 AIA Denver Design Award

2009 AIA San Antonio Design Award


Design Architect: Lake | Flato Architects

Landscape: R Design Land Architects

Structural : IMEG

Builder: Sprung Construction

Photography: Frank Ooms


